Sandalwood Therapy
Sandalwood used in the form of oil, paste and powder is effective in treating various skin problems and to enhance the glow to the skin. At Ayurville a blend of sandalwood powder honey, saffron and camphor is used, with its antimicrobial properties sandalwood is considered as a cure for acne and blemishes. This therapy preserves the skins beauty while improving the complexion and helps to have smoother, more radiant skin giving it a younger look.
Facial Massage
A relaxing massage for energising the senses focused on the face, forehead and temples. Based on the ancient therapeutic principles of Ayurveda; Ayurvedic face massage seeks to promote harmony and balance by freeing constrictions within the facial muscles and connective tissue. Uniquely tailored, the health and lifestyle pattern of each individual is studied in order to determine the optimum massage technique and combination of herbal oils to be used for the massage.
Foot Massage
A good Foot Massage is an incredible healing force that benefits the whole body along with the nervous systems and aid alleviate symptoms such as headache, insomnia, chronic fatigue, dizziness, as well as help treat the underlying cause of many internal diseases like Liver disease, Kidney disease, Heart disease, High blood pressure. Herbs are gently rubbed down your legs to remove dead cells and dry skin. It is also one of the most enjoyable experiences that you can have. A foot massage is one of the strongest stress relieving treatments and is a great way to end a full body massage.